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On July 10th, Justine Gray, Mercer County Horticulturist, attended the “Out of this World” Cub Scout Day Camp to speak to the campers about alien insects! There were about 50 campers who had just returned from a hike, ready to learn about insects native to Mercer County that do a range of things from pollinate to help compost decompose. We had a brief lesson on beneficial pests, pollinators, and decomposers before we split up into groups by troops to inspect the four trays of insect specimens brought from the Extension office prepared by a Rutgers Master Gardener of Mercer County. The trays were a hit! Justine rotated to answer questions in small groups about the different insects. From there, we looked at live specimens of two local pests that affect folks in Mercer County- the Harlequin beetle and the different instars of the Red Spotted Lantern Fly! The kids asked great questions, and I think we have at least a few future entomologists in that group!