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Mercer County 4-H Program Associates Altaira Bejgrowicz and Sharon Gore provided three weeks of cooking, sewing, and, crafting camping fun for the Children’s Home Society for both their north and south locations. Each week, they educated 15 different campers with skills they can use throughout their lives!
Our SNAP-Ed educators provided morning lessons that included food safety and nutritional snacks. Then they were off to the kitchen! The campers made daily lunches and desserts. Recipe reading, measuring, mixing, and baking were skills introduced during the week.

In the afternoon, the campers divided into two rotating groups. First, they sewed, and then they began their handcrafts. They made rice bags (heating pads), neck pillows, and slippers for the sewing session. They made wreaths from recycled egg cartons, crayon art (melting crayons on canvas), and marble wrapping paper in the craft corner.
On the last day of camp, recipe and sewing books were given to the campers to share with their families. The campers also received certificates of participation in the 2024 Mercer County 4-H Camping program.