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I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking,
my HEART to greater loyalty,
my HANDS to larger service, and my HEALTH to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
This is the 4-H pledge. When 4-Her’s pledge their hands to larger service, this means they will complete projects that support the people and organizations in the communities where they live. Youth can decide to work individually, with just a few others, or the club may decide on a project where everyone can be involved. Whatever way they choose to organize, their service benefits the community as much as the 4-H youth themselves. Service learning strengthens their skills and knowledge around their service project and helps them learn how to distribute tasks and experience teamwork in action. Community service helps youth understand what it means to be a contributing citizen in their neighborhoods and, eventually, of the world.
Three years ago, the Mercer County Treasuring the Trash 4-H Club came across an opportunity to care for rescued turtles at the Plainsboro Preserve Visitor Center. The two turtles, Flower and Cardboard, had been taken from the wild and later abandoned when the owners lost interest in them as pets. One 4-H member learned how to care for the turtles properly and taught others in the club. Now, the turtles are tended to every week. From feeding mealworms to the turtles, changing their water, and soaking the turtles, the work requires patience and caution. At the end of each shift, 4-Hers are delighted to witness the turtles thriving and are eager to educate the community about keeping wildlife safe.
One Treasuring the Trash 4-H Club member, Amber Yu, writes, “In short, caring for the turtles has helped our members develop perseverance and responsibility. With our efforts, we hope the rescued turtles will live happily at the center and continue to be wildlife ambassadors to families. We hope to raise community awareness of native species and their essential role to the local ecosystem.”
If you would like to learn more about how you can volunteer your time and talent to 4-H youth, please contact us at