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A colorful grilled chicken and vegetable wrap cooked by Ricardo Kairios, FCHS Educator of Mercer County, and families enrolled in the Therapeutic Intervention Parenting Program at the Millhill Center in Trenton, NJ.
Last month FCHS Educator, Ricardo Kairios, provided a Healthy Eating Workshop to families enrolled in the Therapeutic Intervention Parenting Program at Millhill Child and Family Development Center in Trenton, NJ. During the event, Ricardo explained how to create healthy meals using the MyPlate (highlighting the health benefits of eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and incorporating whole grains into everyday meals) and key things to look for on a Nutrition Facts Label. Parents and caregivers shared among the group ideas for getting their children to try new fruits and vegetables and ways they can incorporate more whole grains into their meals. After the presentation, participants cooked a healthy meal together, which featured all five food groups and a variety of local produce.
Want to learn more about the MyPlate? Visit the MyPlate website, a tool developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, where you can find reliable resources and use the MyPlate App to create goals that work for you.