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Now that schools are back in session, our 4-H Youth Development staff are busy delivering enrichment programs for K-12 students throughout Mercer County. Over the next eight months, 4-H will reach approximately 2,000 students through 354 programs in collaboration with 86 teachers at 22 schools, primarily in Ewing, Hamilton, and Trenton school districts. 4-H staff typically visit each participating class four or five times throughout the school year to explore a variety of topics.
4-H’s school-based programs focus on STEM (coding, engineering design), healthy living (nutrition, physical activity, mindfulness), cultural awareness (Black History and Hispanic Heritage), public speaking, and teambuilding. New to this year’s lineup is a program that allows youth to study the movement of water on earth and discuss how climate change impacts the intensity and frequency of precipitation. Students also experiment with green infrastructure to direct stormwater into the ground. All 4-H school programs are hands-on and highly engaging.
Our full menu of school enrichment offerings is distributed in early September at the beginning of each school year. Teachers are encouraged to sign up for up to five programs. If interested in learning more, please contact us at 609-989-6830 or