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FCHS provided a nutrition and cooking education series called “Food Smarts for Kids” at a 4-H Youth Development camp. Children from Christina Seix Academy learned about setting SMART goals for healthy living, the difference between whole, minimally processed and ultra processed foods, and how to be smart consumers. In each lesson, the children did hands-on food preparation, such as shaping their own whole wheat pretzels, dicing ingredients to create a fruit salsa, and customizing mini pizzas with their favorite veggie toppings! They also enjoyed cardio exercises, relay races, and yoga. One day, campers visited the William Trent House, and Rutgers Master Gardeners gave children a tour of the gardens there, letting them smell different herbs and sample herbal drinks such as lemon balm and peppermint teas, and taste fresh turnips and pickled radish seed pods. At the end of the camp week, the children received a watermelon to take home, thanks to a generous fund set up by a former Master Gardener, Marilyn Canterbury.