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In May, an FCHS Nutrition Educator taught “Cooking Matters for Kids” at P.J. Hill Elementary School, a lesson series that teaches children cooking skills and nutrition. Fifteen 3rd and 4th-grade students participated in the six-class series. One day the class made Mango Salsa by dicing mango, jalapeños, and cilantro, combined with diced red onion and a squeeze of lime. “It’s sweet and spicy!” one child announced. They learned from hands-on activities such as “grocery shopping” to answer questions such as “Which cereal is made with whole grains?” and “Which type of milk is healthier for school-aged children?” Children were challenged with fun physical activity games and exercises each week, including “Spring Yoga,” where they delighted in showing off their strength, balance, and flexibility! Graduates proudly received certificates and took home newfound cooking skills and nutrition knowledge to encourage their families to make healthy choices!