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Mercer County 4-H provides after-school enrichment programming to several schools in the Trenton school district. On March 8th, International Women’s Day, Mercer County 4-H worked with a group of fourth graders at Grant Elementary School to commemorate the day. The young participants discussed what it means to celebrate Women’s Day, why it is important, and the strides made and the work yet to be done. Each participant selected a historic woman and learned about her contributions and accomplishments. The hour-long session ended with the youth coloring a picture of the woman they selected and making a poster where they expressed why women’s history is important to them.
Our work at Grant Elementary School is part of an ongoing ten-session series where young people participate in after-school enrichment focused on the arts with a scientific twist. So far in this series, participants have learned about color theory, animal mini-robots, polymers with slime, and circuitry with birthday cards. The series will run through the spring.