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Too many people in Mercer County face food insecurity. Ensuring everyone has sufficient fresh, healthy, affordable food is a critical and complicated issue. To address this issue, FCHS partners with the Trenton Health Team (THT) to co-facilitate their Trenton Food Stakeholders (TFS) coalition to stimulate collaboration around improving the regional food system. TFS focuses on understanding, documenting, and strengthening the food safety net. It supports our region’s response to food insecurity through mapping, data analytics, mobilizing resources, and assisting partners in coordinating their work. With input from partners, including FCHS, THT developed the Mercer County Food Insecurity Index to highlight the prevalence and distribution of food insecurity throughout the county. The index will also help partner organizations make data-driven decisions about how best to meet the community’s food needs. One project, led by FCHS, will target areas of high food insecurity and low Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation for SNAP enrollment events.