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On November 16, 2022, Rutgers Master Gardeners of Mercer County (RMG of MC) welcomed fourteen new Certified Master Gardeners into the organization. For the class 2020 becoming a Rutgers Master Gardener of Mercer County was no easy task, as members of this class persisted for a period of three years (including a pandemic) to fulfill their volunteer requirements. It was a special day! The ceremony included an awards celebration of many other Master Gardener accomplishments, including eleven Master Gardeners that were recognized for serving five years (Class of 2017), fourteen awards for serving ten Years (Class of 2012), eight awards for serving fifteen years (Class of 2007), two awards for serving twenty years (Class of 2002), and two awards for serving twenty-five years (Class of 1997)! In addition, there were several speeches, including a Welcome and Introduction by RMG of MC President Barbara Gliddon and a Proclamation given by Mercer County Director of Planning Leslie Floyd on behalf of Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes. There were also speeches congratulating the graduates and certified Master Gardeners by Mercer County Horticulturist, Kathryn Homa; Mercer County Agricultural Agent, Meredith Melendez; and Department Head, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Mercer County, Chad Ripberger. The talks emphasized the resilience, patience, and determination displayed by both the graduates and certified Master Gardeners during this trying time. It also highlighted the many accomplishments achieved by the Master Gardeners in helping to excite, inspire, and encourage the residents of Mercer County to participate in the rewarding experience of responsible gardening.