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Summer Day Campers had a full week of learning about electrical circuits with a fun twist – wiring and then decorating a model house! While working in teams of two, students practiced completing a circuit by constructing a battery pack and adding switches. They then used wire and holiday bulbs to light their model homes. After the wiring was complete, they used their creativity to furnish their cardboard houses!
Students made use of paint and materials like wallpaper scraps and fabric samples to decorate each of the lit-up rooms of their model homes. They also made furniture to scale, using supplies such as foam and popsicle sticks, as well as recycled supplies like cardboard and egg cartons. Lessons on the effective use of color and texture were reviewed before students began to paint and choose their decorating supplies. Colors associated with influencing certain moods and behavior were also discussed.
Once the houses were completed, campers had an opportunity to practice their speaking and presentation skills in front of a small panel of judges. They explained their houses and demonstrated some of the highlights of their designs. 4-H place ribbons were awarded to each of the team members.