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Want a great way to get new gardening ideas, learn, have fun and make new friends? Attend a Master Gardener County tour throughout New Jersey! On May 26, the tour kicked off at Mercer County Educational Gardens when the Master Gardeners of Somerset County came to visit. They learned about the site’s history, challenges encountered throughout the years, improvements and additions to the gardens, and a description of each garden. Mercer County Educational Garden (MEG) garden committee chairs and members spent much time cleaning and perfecting their gardens for the guests. Visitors asked many questions and were very impressed with MEG.
Then on June 10, Mercer County Master Gardeners toured the Somerset County Teaching Garden. The Somerset County Teaching Garden, was established in 2017, and is a new addition to the program, divided into different gardens that include annuals, a demonstration bed, edibles, native plants, perennials, and a pollinator garden. Future gardens under construction include a meadow and a Chinese herb garden. Similar to the MEG tour, a member of each garden provided a talk about the plants contained within individual gardens, practices used in the garden, and a vision for the future.
The next tour is scheduled for Middlesex County on Thursday, July 21, at 10:30 am. Come Aboard!