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The Mercer County Board of Agriculture is open to participation from anyone with agricultural interests within the county. These roundtable meetings help foster communication throughout the county and local and state agencies about agricultural topics and needs. Rutgers Cooperative Extension, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, the Farm Service Agency, and the Farm Bureau are all present at these meetings to listen to the farmers and to share timely information that may help them be successful and profitable. Board members represent county agriculture needs by serving as delegates at the annual New Jersey Agricultural Convention and the annual Farm Bureau Convention. Currently, board members represent field and forage crops, fruit and vegetable crops, livestock, beekeeping, equine, nursery, and organic production. The Board meets at 7:30 pm, the second Monday of each month, except July and August. Meetings take place at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Mercer County office located at 1440 Parkside Avenue, Ewing. You can learn more on the Mercer County Board of Agriculture website.