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New Virtual Learning Opportunities
Join us for Wellness Wednesdays with FCHS!
Every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. FCHS presents a live 45-minute webinar on a variety of topics related to food, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles. This series will walk you through the easy steps that you can take to add positive health behaviors into your day. There’s no time like the present to make some of those small changes that will improve your health in a big way. Topics include mindful family meals, eating healthy on a budget, how to satisfy picky eaters, reading nutrition labels, spotting hidden sugars, and much more. For a complete list of Wellness Wednesday topics please visit the NJAES website.
Available for Viewing
Nutrition for the Childbearing years: A 3-Part Series from Pre-Conception Through Baby’s First Year.
Mission Statement
FCHS promotes healthy lifestyles and environments for NJ residents and communities with an emphasis in nutrition, health and wellness.
Family and Community Health Sciences (FCHS) helps people stay healthy, enjoy life, be active, and reduce health care costs. Many of today’s health problems–obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer–can be reduced through good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. FCHS encourages today’s busy families and individuals to learn more and make personal choices to improve health. FCHS combines research and practical advice to improve your health for a better tomorrow.
Key Department Initiatives
- Get Moving – Get Healthy New Jersey encourages a healthy lifestyle, especially healthy eating and physical activity, through educational programs, a website, publications, and targeted marketing campaigns.
- Grow Healthy is a wellness initiative that joins elementary schools, childcare/preschools, families, and the community together to make wellness and learning top priorities.
- Small Steps to Health and Wealth motivates consumers to implement behavior change strategies that simultaneously improve their health and personal finances.
- Worksite Wellness provides online evidence-based information that empowers employees to make better food choices, manage stress, and increase physical activity.
FCHS Outreach Focuses On
- Nutrition, Physical Activity and Health
- School and Child Care Wellness
- Chronic Disease Prevention
- Food Safety and Food Allergy
- Food Security
Programs Offered
- School Wellness Initiatives for Students, Parents, Staff, and Wellness Councils
- Early Care Education/Child Care Wellness Initiatives
- Developmental Disabilities Training Series provides valuable training for the Cooperative Extension system and organizations which offer programs to individuals or audiences who have developmental disabilities. Topics include: Overview of Developmental Disabilities; Disabilities and Learning; Understanding and Managing Behavior; Visual Supports; Disabilities Laws and Program Accommodations and Modifications.
- Nutrition Education for Older Adults
- Farmers Market Cooking Demonstrations
- Shopping Smart Programs – Get the most nutrition for your money!
- Employee Wellness Programs
Check out the Health Happenings and Services in Mercer County. Visit
- JUST RELEASED The Greenwood Ave. Farmers Market: A 5-Year Reflection and a Glance Ahead (PDF)
- Statewide Visions Newsletter
- Food, Nutrition, and Health Fact Sheets & Bulletins
- Trenton Public Schools
- Greater Mercer Public Health Partnership
- Hunterdon-Mercer Regional Chronic Disease Coalition
- Family Resource Network
- Trenton Health Team
- Capital Area YMCA
Ricardo Kairios, MS
FCHS Educator (Assistant Professor)
Department of Family and Community Health Sciences
Telephone: 609-989-6841
Joan F. Healy, MBA, RDN
NJ SNAP-Ed Senior Program Coordinator, Supervisor
Family and Community Health Sciences
Telephone: 609-989-6831