Main Content
Second Monday of the month, September–June
7 pm
RCE of Mercer County office
1440 Parkside Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08638
To aid the farmers of the county in the development of most profitable and permanent type of agriculture and in the solution of technical problems relating thereto.
To aid homemakers of the county in ascertaining and adopting those practices most effective in the various branches of family and consumer sciences.
To promote among young people, a genuine interest in farming and rural life and to encourage their participation in the development of the highest type of home community life.
To promote, in the interest of the general welfare, an understanding of problems that affect not only agriculture but all phases of economic and social life.
To assume leadership in planning programs that will unite men, women and youth, particularly those in rural areas, in the development of the most wholesome and satisfactory living and working conditions.
To report to the State Secretary of Agriculture annually the conditions, progress and results of agricultural and horticultural industries in the county, and the official delegates to report to the members of the County Board the proceedings of the State Agricultural convention.
To cooperate with other agencies and organizations as may seem desirable for the accomplishment of the objects outlined.
To affiliate and cooperate with the Farm Bureau, Rutgers University, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and other agricultural organizations.

Executive Committee: serving through October 2025
President: | Jeff Burd | 609-638-3151 | |
Vice-President: | Justine Gray | 908-577-7157 | |
Secretary: | Dana Thompson | 609-989-6830 | |
Treasurer: | Howard Myers | 609-924-1903 | |